Thursday, June 2, 2011

Part 2 of May 23th trip

The main reason I headed to Lamar Valley was to hike up to Trout Lake to see the otters. The last report I had was that there were 7 otters living in the lake.  I arrived at the turn-out for Trout Lake, on the far end of Lamar Valley on the way to Cooke City. There were a few other cars parked so I knew I wasn't the only one wanting to see these guys. Ok, it is not a long hike, only about 1/2 mile but it is all up hill. Felt like I climbed a mountain! But if I can do this anyone can. Boy it was worth the slow trip to the lake. This is the view you get on the hike:

Now with a view like that having to stop to catch my breath was worth it! On the way up to the lake I met some folks that were filming a segment for Good Morning America, to air June 13th. Great folks!

I arrived at the lake and this is what I was greeted with:

Beautiful spot. the white stuff is from the trees, not gunk, lol. The otters are there, they were seen earlier in the day but they must have been napping when I was there. But such peace. I sat for quite a while just enjoying the beauty of the place.

The hike down the hill went much faster. Meet more folks on the way down. One of the best things about Yellowstone is meeting people from all over the world. If you can, make the trip to Yellowstone National Park, it is unforgettable!

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