Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 3, 2011 Trip

What a beautiful day! A bit chilly but beautiful. Of course what day in Yellowstone National Park is not beautiful? I only had a few hours to spend in the Park so I decided to save going back to Lamar Valley for Monday and head towards Madison Junction. I hit a few snow flurries coming out of Mammoth Hot Springs but it didn't last long. I didn't see much wildlife until after Norris Junction. Just north of Elk Meadow picnic area there was a bull elk munching away across the river. A beautiful boy in velvet!

This guy is still working on shedding his winter coat, most the the elk at lower elevation have already finished shedding and they look wonderful. The was quite a large crowd taking photos of this guy and he was nice enough to be by a large pull-out in the road so there was plenty of room for everyone.

I continued heading south to Madison Junction. When I arrived I was thrilled to see good sized heard of buffalo there by the river. The wind was howling through the valley and it was really cold.

There were bison all over the area including in the picnic are of Madison Junction. They didn't seem to mind sharing their space with us humans but please remember they are wild animals!  Here are some of the baby bison, aka Red Dogs.

 Couldn't resist this little guy......

I headed back north and about 2 miles above Madison Junction is this small meadow with the Gibbon River twisting through it. You can almost always find some bison there and today was no different....

A beautiful, peaceful place. There is a good sized parking area so you can rest a bit and take in the view.

On the way back home I just had to check to see if that beautiful bull elk was still by the river. He was there and have moved closer...

He is one big boy. I hope to be able to see him in September/October during the rut. He will have a huge rack and be just stunning!

When I arrived at the large meadow area by Swan Lake there had to be 100 cars parked along side the road.  That many cars only means one thing, bears!  Yep, mama grizzly and her 2 yearling cubs from last year were there showing off. Of course I should have been there 10 minutes earlier but no, so mom and the babies were heading into the back country, away from the road and all the people. So I was only able to get a long distance shot. This mom had 4 cubs last year, now there are only 2...

I had a great day in the park. Hope you all can come experience Yellowstone National Park, America's first playground!

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