Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sooooo, what did you do in Yellowstone today?

Ok, all you Yellowstone National Park fans. Comment here to tell us about what you did - saw - experienced in Yellowstone! We want to know......

Tell me, Tell me, Tell me.......


  1. Hey, Evan here. Today was a good day. I have been raft guiding with Wild West Rafting and have had an awesome day. Today we took some folks from Florida down the Yellowstone River and every time we hit a wave I thought they would die laughing. After that we took a couple from Philly down, and not only did they get went on the rapids, bot got to see some of the country's abundance of wildlife while enjoying an adventure they will never forget. If anyone reading this has never been whitewater rafting before, you have got to try it. You will not be disapointed. Today's tip: Always go rafting when ever possible. Peace! Evan

  2. Yo, Evan here. Another day on the Yellowstone River and all is well. The water level has gone down in the last few days but is expected to rise again. Temperatures reaching into the 70's are predicted to approach by Tuesday and some say that will start some of the snow to meld and bring up the water level. If you are interested in rafting down the river the next few weeks are going to amazing! Peace, Evan
