Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park, wow, the first National Park ever and probably the most exciting. No where else on earth can you find the thermal activity that is here in the park. Old Faithful is just one of many geysers in the area.

Ever seen a mud pot?  Boiling mud! Awesome to watch.

 How about a mountain that is "steaming"?

Ok, now think about the wildlife that is just everywhere in Yellowstone.  Living in a big city you have traffic jams all the time. But here is Yellowstone we have BUFFALO JAMS.....

Looking for a bear? Just keep your eyes open and you will be blessed......

This blog is for everyone to share their experience at Yellowstone with the world. We that are fortunate enough to visit the park need to share our adventure with those who are planning a trip, hope to plan a trip or most of all those who may never be able to experience the wonder of Yellowstone.

So, all you Yellowstoners out there I want to see your photos and hear about your adventures in the park. Wildlife watching, whitewater rafting, fly fishing, hiking, backpacking or anything else. Lets share with the world the wonders of Yellowstone National Park!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my name is Evan. There is a lot of fun stuff to do in Yellowstone Park, but what few people know about is all the great stuff to do just outside the park. I am in Gardiner, Montana, which is located at the North Entrance to Yellowstone, whitewater rafting guide, and it couldn't be more fun. I have been here for a few days and found that everyone is extremely nice and helpful. Had bison roam through my campsite and saw more smiles on everyone's faces while rafting than I have seen in a while. I can't get over the overwhelming good vibe feeling I get whenever I talk to someone or take them down the river. I hope I can continue this good trend, and I hop that everyone else can experience this place as well as I have.
